How Can I Update My Profile Description?

To update your Roaming Hunger profile description, you must email the Vendor Experience Team with your requested changes. At this time, this is the only way to make changes to your public profile description.

Submit a Description Change Request

Some Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why does Roaming Hunger manage my profile description?

Roaming Hunger reviews and updates all description changes for quality control. This includes spelling & grammar, use of third-person tense, and monitoring of hyperlinks and sensitive content.

We optimize the content on your profile according to best practices that we’ve developed since 2009. If you need us to update any part of your profile, we will, of course, do it. Our goal is to make your profile as accurate as possible, but also as enticing as possible, so that eaters will want to find you or book you for events.

2. Why won't you use my exact phrasing?

Apart from reasons listed above, we keep the descriptions on the Roaming Hunger platform unique from other sites to improve our visitor experience and avoid plagiarism.

In the case of first-person language, it is important for visitors to understand that we don't own your business.

3. I want to tell my story; why isn't it all in my description?

While the description should focus more on your food and service style, we also want to share your story. There is a section on your Dashboard called Story, where you can add a personal touch to your profile. You may edit this at any time, but when you're done, please email the Vendor Experience Team so we can mark it "Approved."

4. Can I include links in my description?

We do not include hyperlinks in profiles for two reasons:

  • To avoid "dead" links, which can impact visitor experience. For example, when a business closes, and their website shuts down, it leaves a "dead" link on our site.
  • To prevent spam or promoting an alternate booking method on the Roaming Hunger platform, which would violate our Non-Circumvention clause and could result in termination from the site.

Got questions? Contact the Vendor Experience Team, and we'll be happy to help you out.

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