How Do I Publish My Vendor Story?

How do I Publish My Vendor Story? Watch the video below from our Vendor Experience team talking through vendor stories, or read the article below to discover how to utilize this feature in our platform.

The Vendor Story adds a personal touch to your public profile on Roaming Hunger. It is separate from your main description but will appear side-by-side with it on your profile. This tells would-be clients a little bit about the person behind the business.

General Tips

These best practices will keep your Story crisp, concise, and appealing:

  • Be brief. 1-2 sentence answers are best.
  • Be timeless. If you're "brand new" or opened "last fall," remember that those will mean something different after they've been on your profile for five years. Instead, try "fall 2021."
  • Be you. Famous quotes are fun, but they're not you. What do you want to communicate about your business? Even if you're part of a larger franchise, your story makes your location unique.

Filling in the Blanks

To add your Vendor Story, visit this page on your Roaming Hunger Dashboard. You'll see a series of questions about your business. Answer as many as you like. We recommend keeping your responses brief so they don't take up your entire profile.

  1. Upload a photo: Let's see your smiling face. This is who your clients can expect to greet when you pull up. Add photos of your food and event setup here instead.
  2. Founder(s) Name: First and last name? First name only? Nickname? This is up to you.
  3. When was your business established? This keeps track of your service time and legacy.
  4. What is your favorite dish on the menu? Pick one or two. If you don't personally have a favorite, pick your bestseller.
  5. What is the story behind your business name? Some named their business after a friend or relative. Others came up with a clever pun. However you developed your business name, share the story with the public here.
  6. Where did you learn to cook? Whether you're formally schooled or self-taught, cooking hot food or scooping ice cream, let us know how you picked up your skills.
  7. Why did you decide to start a business? Your talents could have taken you many places. What was special about making food?
  8. What's the favorite event that you've catered for? What kind of event was it, and what was cool about it? If you don't have a favorite, or if you're just getting started, you can leave this blank for now.
  9. Do you have a saying or tagline that your customers can remember you by? Your food or philosophy in your own words (no movie character quotes, please):

Diversity and Business Classifications

Roaming Hunger celebrates the diversity of the mobile food industry. Whether your business is proudly family-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned, or a combination of options, you're welcome to check any boxes that set your business apart. 

IMPORTANT: Checking these boxes does not affect your eligibility for Roaming Hunger events. It may help us on occasions when we get specific D&I requests from event hosts.

Going Live

Once you've filled in all the spaces on your Story, select Save Changes at the bottom. The story will go into a review queue where we'll check for grammar, relevance, and yes, even profanity. Want an update on your Story's review status? Email us here!

Have questions? Email the Vendor Experience Team, and we'll be happy to help you out.

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